More here about the debate over mortality assumptions for blue collar workers going on in the House with respect to the Pension Preservation and Savings Expansion Act of 2003 (HR 1776) also known as the Portman-Cardin Bill. A response by the American Academy of Actuaries to the debate has been issued. The Academy makes the point that it has not been consulted regarding the recent push for different mortality assumptions for blue collar workers and that if a different table is used, well-paid union workers (such as airline pilots) should be excluded from the definition of “blue collar workers” (since the income level is seen as an age determining factor, lengthening life expectancy.)
More on Actuarial Assumptions: the Debate Over Blue Collar Worker Mortality
More here about the debate over mortality assumptions for blue collar workers going on in the House with respect to the Pension Preservation and Savings Expansion Act of 2003 (HR 1776) also known as the Portman-Cardin Bill. A response by…