Robert Powell for CBS MarketWatch has written an article which chronicles his search for a list of retirement-related blogs: “Open field for retirement blogs: Few Web logs track issues related to older Americans; top sites.” Thanks to both Powell and Nevin Adams of (who recommended Benefitsblog to Powell) for referring readers to Benefitsblog.
I was also glad to learn about other retirement-related blogs from the article: Your Way Ahead, Kim Snider’s blog, as well as Nevin’s new blog here. The article also mentions
Robert Powell is editor of Retirement Weekly — a service of MarketWatch — author of “20 Tips for Retirement Investors” and co-author of “Decoding Wall Street.”
UPDATE: Please make note of a new blog on benefits by another Philadelphia-based lawyer who recently emailed me about his endeavor. The blog is For Your Benefit written by Michael H. Rosenthal.