Thanks to Joe Kristan at Roth for the following discussion regarding the IRS’s modernization of its tax compliance and enforcement sytems:
The IRS yesterday shut out its prime systems modernization contractor from new projects worth approximately $40 million. The contractor, Computer Science Corporation, recently disclosed that it will miss an April deadline for a critical part of the $15 billion project.The project has been plagued with overruns and delays from the start.
. . .The contractor accepted responsibility in testimony before the Ways and Means Committee yesterday. The IRS also has some responsibility; at one point, according to the contractor, the IRS had 1100 change orders in ongoing projects. The sheer difficulty of upgrading a 1960’s tape-based system to a 21st century database has also delayed the project.
“Frustrated IRS to Seek New Technology Contractors“: the Associated Press via the Washington Post has the story. (Another report here from Washington Technology.)