Tracking software for this website indicates there have been 20, 387 visits (120,442 hits) to this blawg since inception only 3 months ago. Thanks to all of the blawgers, benefits and ERISA readers, journalists, long-lost friends and others who have sent emails telling me how much they enjoy this blawg. If you have not emailed me and are a regular reader, please consider doing so. You can click here to email me your comments. And while you are at it, please tell me what you like here and what you don’t. If you are having trouble with accessing links anywhere or any other technical problems with the site, please let me know as well. I am looking into some site design changes and would appreciate knowing.
And if you think I should give this up as one visitor does, please feel free to tell me that too. You know, I could talk about what I had for lunch today (along the lines of this blog), but I just did not think that was why readers have been coming. But if you would like to hear about my faith in God (how at one time I proclaimed myself to be an atheist but now am a born-again Christian), or my love for music (I was a music major before going to law school, and how I now enjoy writing Christian music), my political views, or stories like this–how our family got so busy one week going every which way that families with teenagers do, that our dog somehow escaped from the house without anyone knowing it until the next day, but how we then found her at the SPCA and how the family felt sooooo guilty for not realizing she had run off–I would be glad to talk about stuff like that. Please just let me know.