401(k) Litigation Links

Readers have been expressing interest in some links for the ERISA litigation which has been the subject of several posts so I will list some important ones here and will create a section in the index under "401(k) Litigation Links":…

Readers have been expressing interest in some links for the ERISA litigation which has been the subject of several posts so I will list some important ones here and will create a section in the index under “401(k) Litigation Links”:

Social Problems Threshed Out Through Litigation?

That is what Ronald Kilgard of Keller Rohrback says about the wave of post-Enron litigation against 401(k) plan sponsors under ERISA. This article-"Send in the Lawyers: Ethical Lapses Spawn Fiduciary Lawsuits"-for Defined Contribution News discusses the lack of staffing at…

That is what Ronald Kilgard of Keller Rohrback says about the wave of post-Enron litigation against 401(k) plan sponsors under ERISA. This article–“Send in the Lawyers: Ethical Lapses Spawn Fiduciary Lawsuits”–for Defined Contribution News discusses the lack of staffing at the DOL and reports why the DOL has seemed to focus on filing amicus briefs in the cases, instead of filing its own actions. The article reports Steven Saxon, a partner in the Groom Law Group, as saying the DOL “doesn’t have the staffing to do its own cases” so that they have “made a decision to expend resources in appellate work…to have an impact when they file an amicus.”

See yesterday’s post here for additional articles on the subject.

A Great Article on Tools for Electronic Discovery

Jim Calloway, Director for the Oklahoma Bar Association's Management Assistance Program, has this great article on tools for electronic discovery which is a must link for litigators: "Tools for Electronic Discovery."…

Jim Calloway, Director for the Oklahoma Bar Association’s Management Assistance Program, has this great article on tools for electronic discovery which is a must link for litigators: “Tools for Electronic Discovery.”

Social Problems Threshed Out Through Litigation?

That is what Ronald Kilgard of Keller Rohrback says about the wave of post-Enron litigation against 401(k) plan sponsors under ERISA. This article-"Send in the Lawyers: Ethical Lapses Spawn Fiduciary Lawsuits"-for Defined Contribution News discusses the lack of staffing at…

That is what Ronald Kilgard of Keller Rohrback says about the wave of post-Enron litigation against 401(k) plan sponsors under ERISA. This article–“Send in the Lawyers: Ethical Lapses Spawn Fiduciary Lawsuits”–for Defined Contribution News discusses the lack of staffing at the DOL and reports why the DOL has seemed to focus on filing amicus briefs in the cases, instead of filing its own actions. The article reports Steven Saxon, a partner in the Groom Law Group, as saying the DOL “doesn’t have the staffing to do its own cases” so that they have “made a decision to expend resources in appellate work…to have an impact when they file an amicus.”

See yesterday’s post here for additional articles on the subject.

In the News

Today's Federal Register is here. "Federal tax relief on the way": this article by Dave Copeland for the Pittsburgh-Tribune Review discusses how 21,000 Pennsylvanians will be eligible for the new health care tax credit-a 65 percent tax credit against health…

Today’s Federal Register is here.

“Federal tax relief on the way”: this article by Dave Copeland for the Pittsburgh-Tribune Review discusses how 21,000 Pennsylvanians will be eligible for the new health care tax credit–a 65 percent tax credit against health care payments for people between the ages of 55 and 65 who are receiving a pension from the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. The article reports that in Pittsburgh, the tax credit could have a substantial impact, as retirees from both LTV Steel and Bethlehem Steel Corp. are potentially eligible for the tax credit. The tax credit was discussed here in an article by Deloitte & Touche at Benefitslink.com. You can also read about the credit on the IRS website here.

This article–“Nation’s largest pension fund targets executive stock options”–by Don Thompson for the Associated Press at KansasCity.com (Kansas City Star) reports that the investment committee of the California Public Employees’ Retirement System (“CALPERS”) on Monday set new standards for executive stock option plans it will support for the 1,000 largest companies in which the $130 billion fund invests its money. According to the article, CALPERS will only support plans if 5 percent or fewer of the stock options go to the company’s top five executives, and if the executives have to wait at least four years to cash in.

Education for ERISA fiduciaries

This article by Jill Elswick for BenefitNews.com-"DOL develops educational resources for fiduciaries"-comments on the ERISA Advisory Council's Working Group on Fiduciary Education and Training and its educational initiative to help fiduciaries comply with the myriad requirements of ERISA. The Group's…

This article by Jill Elswick for BenefitNews.com–“DOL develops educational resources for fiduciaries”–comments on the ERISA Advisory Council’s Working Group on Fiduciary Education and Training and its educational initiative to help fiduciaries comply with the myriad requirements of ERISA. The Group’s final report can be accessed here. The article also reports that the Foundation for Fiduciary Studies has released 27 “prudent investment practices”–each substantiated with existing legislation, case law, and regulatory opinion letters and vetted by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)–into the public domain for comment here. Finally, the article discusses a new program for fiduciary education offered by New York Life Investment Management’s (NYLIM) retirement plan services division which you can read about here.

ERISA fiduciary lawsuits: an oasis for plaintiffs’ lawyers?

A very analytical article by David M. Gische and Jo Ann Abramson of Ross, Dixon & Bell LLP at Findlaw.com: "Corporate Fiduciary Liability Claims In The Post-Enron Era." The article provides a detailed discussion of the class-action litigation that is…

A very analytical article by David M. Gische and Jo Ann Abramson of Ross, Dixon & Bell LLP at Findlaw.com: “Corporate Fiduciary Liability Claims In The Post-Enron Era.” The article provides a detailed discussion of the class-action litigation that is going on in the ERISA arena against ERISA plan fiduciaries of 401(k) plans. The article gives a rundown of the Enron, Global Crossing, WorldCom, and Qwest cases which are making their way through the courts and provides a discussion about the parallel securities law claims which may provide double exposure for insurers, if the ERISA claims succeed.

Another article by Jason Hoppin for the Recorder at Law.com–“A Matter of Trust: Stung by corporate collapses, workers look to ERISA for relief“–also discusses the “burgeoning arena of ERISA cases filed on behalf of company employees who lose their retirement savings when corporate scandals hit.” He calls it “an oasis for plaintiffs’ lawyers, where you can make new law, the bar is friendly on both sides of the aisle, there are few competitors and, of course, huge recoveries are the norm.”

CorpLawBlog at a post here and Securities Beacon have also reported on the subject today.

WSJ Reports on the “Best Online Investment-Management Tools”

Today's edition of the Wall Street Journal provides this article by Lenn Cowan in its special E-Commerce section discussing do-it-yourself investment-management tools online: "Buy? Sell? Hold? A Guide to some of the best online investment-management tools." Some of the ones…

Today’s edition of the Wall Street Journal provides this article by Lenn Cowan in its special E-Commerce section discussing do-it-yourself investment-management tools online: “Buy? Sell? Hold? A Guide to some of the best online investment-management tools.” Some of the ones reviewed and discussed were Financial Engines Inc., mPower.com Inc. (which you can access at MSN.com) and Morningstar Inc..