I really enjoyed the tons of emails containing benefits acronyms. There were so many that I decided to compile them in a Benefits Acronym Lexicon. (Permanent link is in the right-hand column.) I hope to add more acronyms and helpful links as they come to mind or are suggested. Here are some of the acronyms sent to me (in no particular order):
RSOL (Regional Solicitor’s Office)
PBSD (Plan Benefits Security Division)
ECP (Employer Contribution Project)
REACT (Rapid ERISA Action Team)
OE (Office of Enforcement)
TPA (third party administrator)
own-occ (own-occupation disability insurance)
any-occ (any-occupation disability insurance)
RBD (required beginning date)
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
COLA (cost of living adjustment)
GI (guaranteed insurability)
LTC (long-term care)
EAP (employee assistance program)
EOB (explanation of benefits)
EOI (evidence of insurability)
ESRD (end stage renal disease)
MSA (medical savings account)
MSP (Medicare Secondary Payer)
PCP (primary care physician)
PHO (Physician Hospital Organization)
POS (point of service)
PPA (Preferred Provider Arrangement)
PPO (Preferred Provider Organization)
QMB (qualified Medicare beneficiary)
SSDI (Social Security disability insurance)
WHCRA (Women’s Health and Cancer Rights Act)
YTD (year-to-date)
AD & D (accidental death and dismemberment)
ADB (accidental death benefit)
ADR (alternative dispute resolution)
TSA (tax-sheltered annuity)
QMCSO (Qualified Medical Child Support Order)
STD (short-term disability)
LTD (long-term disability)
COCC or COC (Certificate of Creditable Coverage)
PTO (paid-time off)
WC (Workers’ Compensation)
SSA (Social Security Administration)
TAMRA (Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988)
FIT (Federal Income Tax)
FUTA (Federal Unemployment Tax)
SUTA (State Unemployment Tax)
FUI (Federal Unemployment Insurance)
SUI (State Unemployment Insurance)
RASD (retroactive annuity starting date)
DVP (deferred vested pension)
ASD (annuity starting date)
QJSA (Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity)
QPSA (Qualified Pre-retirement Survivor Annuity)
QSUPP (Qualified Social Security Supplement)
CDHP (consumer driven health plan)
AJCA (American Jobs Creation Act)
EE (employee)
EB (employee benefits)
ER (employer)
BOLI (bank-owned life insurance)
NUA (net unrealized appreciation)
RMD (required minimum distribution) or MRD (minimum required distribution) for some
TAM (Technical Advice Memorandum)
PLR (Private Letter Ruling)
VCO (Voluntary Correction of Operational Defects)
VCT (Voluntary Correction of Tax-sheltered Annuity Failures)
A-org or FSO (first service organization under section 414(m) of the Internal Revenue Code)
B-org (technical term under section 414(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
ASG (Affiliated service group)
M & P (master & prototype)
QMAC (Qualified Matching Contributions)
PTCE (prohibited transaction class exemption)
FAB (Field Assistance Bulletin)
CEBS (Certified Employee Benefit Specialist)
AARP (Association of American Retired Persons)
ASPPA (American Society of Pension Professionals and Actuaries)
ABC (American Benefits Council)
ERIC (ERISA Industry Committee)
PSCA (Profit Sharing/401k Council of America)
NCEO (National Center for Employee Ownership)
SLOB (separate line of business)
QSLOB (qualified separate lines of business)
QSERP (qualified supplemental executive retirement plan)
UPDATE: Joe Kristan suggests that we might be “speaking in tongues” or that the “men in white coats” might soon be arriving. If the truth were to be told though, the accountants and tax folks could probably come up with a pretty good list themselves containing all of all of the mysterious lingo that they use in their practice. How about AGI, MAGI, and MACRS for starters?